印度工作證申請 QA-印度政府知識碼

印度工作證申請 QA-印度政府知識碼



Introduction Several queries have been raised about the type of Visas issued by India to foreigners for work related visits.
It is clarified that basically there are two (2) types of work related Visas, namely:
1. Business Visa designated as ‘B’ Visa
2. Employment Visa designated as ‘E’ Visa
Frequently asked questions with regard to the above issues and replies thereto are outlined below for information, guidance and compliance of all concerned:

Part A : Business Visa



Q.1 :
What are the conditions to be fulfilled for grant of a Business visa?
The conditions to be fulfilled for grant of a Business visa are as follows:-
(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country of nationality of the applicant.
(ii) The foreign national should be a person of assured financial standing. The foreigner must submit proof of his/her financial standing and documentation in support of intended business visit to India. Proof of his financial standing and expertise in the field of intended business will be checked thoroughly by the Indian Missions while granting the visa.
(iii) The foreign national should not be visiting India for the business of money lending or for running a petty business or petty trade or for full time employment in India, etc.
(iv) The foreign national shall comply with all other requirements like payment of tax liabilities etc.
The Business Visa must be issued from the country of origin or from the country of habitual domicile of the foreigner provided the period of residence of that foreigner in that particular country is more than 2 years.
If the period of permanent residence of the applicant in the particular country is less than two years, the Mission / Post concerned will issue Business visa only after personal interview, review of documentation and prior clearance from the Mission where the applicant has permanent residence.
Such cases will be examined by the Missions / Posts on merits on case-to-case basis and, after issue of Business visa, an intimation will be sent to the Indian Mission / Post in the applicant’s country of origin.
(vi) The documents/ papers pertaining to proposed business activity such as the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm with the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned or any recognised promotional body in the relevant field of industry or trade etc. will be thoroughly checked to decide the category of visa applicable to the foreigner
(vii) The grant of Business Visa is subject to any instructions issued by the Government of India on the basis of reciprocity with other foreign countries from time to time. in Chinese







Who are eligible for a Business Visa ?

A Business visa may be granted to a foreigner for the following purposes:-
(i) Foreign nationals who wish to visit India to establish industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India.
(ii) Foreign nationals coming to India to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables.
(iii) Foreign nationals coming to India for technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings or general meetings for providing business services support.
(iv) Foreign nationals coming to India for recruitment of manpower.
(v) Foreign nationals who are partners in the business and/or functioning as Directors of the company.
(vi) Foreign nationals coming to India for consultations regarding exhibitions or for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs etc.
(vii) Foreign buyers who come to transact business with suppliers/ potential suppliers at locations in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India.
(viii) Foreign experts/specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide technical guidance.
(ix) Foreign nationals coming to India for pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project. (x) Foreign trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses coming for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India.
(xi) Foreign students sponsored by AIESEC for internship on project based work in companies/industries.
(xii) Foreign nationals coming as tour conductors and travel agents and / or conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc. in Chinese

Q3 問:

(a) 獲得簽證的外國人從事的業務活動的總銷售額/營業額不低於每年1000萬盧比(在設立企業後兩年內實現)。
(b) 商務簽證的首次延期由內政部門授權頒發。
(c) 如有需要,國家政府/ UT行政當局/ FRROs / FROs可以根據外國人的良好行為、為繼續業務活動提供的必要文件,以及關於外國人的安全等不利意見進行年度基礎上的進一步延期。
(d) 延期的期限不得超過商務簽證發放日起五年。
(e) 如果內政部門/ FRRO / FRO /國家政府/ UT行政當局拒絕延長簽證,外國人應在簽證有效期屆滿後立即離開印度。

What is the duration of a Business Visa ?

A Business Visa with multiple entry facility can be granted for a period up to five (5) years or for a shorter duration as per the requirement.
A stay stipulation of a maximum period of six (6) months will be prescribed for each visit by the concerned Indian Mission keeping in view the nature of the business activity for which such Business Visa is granted.
In case Missions/ Posts abroad, while issuing Business Visa, decide to prescribe a stay stipulation of maximum 6 months for each visit, a clear endorsement should be made stating “each stay not to exceed 6 months (or the duration of stay stipulation) and registration not required”.
In case no such stay stipulation is being prescribed, a simple endorsement stating “registration within 14 days” should be made. Indian Missions can grant Business Visa with 10 years validity and multiple entry facility to the nationals of the United States of America.
This visa should be issued with the stipulation that the stay in India during each visit shall not exceed six (6) months.
In case business visa is granted for a period less than five years by the Indian Missions, the same can be extended up to a maximum period of five years subject to following:
(a) The gross sales/turnover from the business activities, for which the foreigner has been granted visa, is not less than Rs.1 crore per annum (to be achieved within 2 years of setting up the business).
(b) First extension on business visa shall be granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(c) Further extensions, if required, may be granted by the State Governments/ UT administrations/ FRROs/ FROs on year-to-year basis subject to good conduct, production of necessary documents in support of continued business activity and no adverse inputs, security related or otherwise, about the foreigner.
(d) The period of extension shall not be beyond five years from the date of issue of the Business visa.
(e) If the extension of Visa is denied by MHA/FRRO/FRO/State Government/ UT Administration, the foreigner shall leave India forthwith on expiry of the period of validity of the visa. in Chinese



What are the documents to be submitted alongwith application for a Business Visa?

(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country concerned.
(ii) Proof of financial standing and expertise in the field of intended business.
(iii) Documents/ papers pertaining to proposed business activity such as the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm with the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned or any recognised promotional body in the relevant field of industry or trade etc. In chinese

Part B : Employment Visa


What is an Employment Visa?

An Employment Visa is granted to foreigners desiring to come to India for the purpose of employment, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:
(i) The applicant is a highly skilled and/or qualified professional, who is being engaged or appointed by a company/ organization/ industry/ undertaking in India on contract or employment basis.
(ii) Employment Visa shall not be granted for jobs for which qualified Indians are available. Employment Visa shall also not be granted for routine, ordinary or secretarial/clerical jobs.
(iii) The foreign national seeks to visit India for employment in a company/ firm/organization registered in India or for employment in a foreign company/ firm/organization engaged for execution of some project in India.
(iv) The foreign national being sponsored for an Employment Visa in any sector should draw a salary in excess of US$ 25,000 per annum. However, this condition of annual floor limit on income will not apply to:
(a) Ethnic cooks,
(b) Language teachers (other than English language teachers) / translators and
(c) Staff working for the concerned Embassy/High Commission in India. The application for Employment Visa may be rejected by the Indian Mission/Post concerned in case the minimum annual income benchmark of US$ 25,000 is not met, except in the case of the three categories mentioned above.
There will be no need to refer such cases for consideration of the Ministry of Labour & Employment for clearance.
The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Labour & Employment vide their OM no.DGET-M-26025/4/2009-MP(G) dated 8th September 2009 and the amendment dated 22nd December, 2009 will no longer be applicable in view of these stipulations.
(v) The foreign national must comply with all legal requirements like payment of tax liabilities etc.
(vi) The Employment Visa must be issued from the country of origin or from the country of domicile of the foreigner provided the period of permanent residence of the applicant in that particular country is more than 2 years.
The documents/ papers pertaining to the proposed employment, like the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm in the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned, or any recognised promotional body in the field of industry and trade etc will be thoroughly checked to decide the category of visa that may be issued to the foreigner. The name of the sponsoring employer / organization shall be clearly stipulated in the visa sticker. In Chinese


(i) 作為諮詢顧問來印度,由印度公司支付固定報酬(不一定是月薪)的外國人。
(ii) 被旅館、俱樂部或其他組織聘用,擔任常規表演的外國藝術家。
(iii) 作為國家/地方級別團隊或知名運動俱樂部的教練來印度工作的外國人。
(iv) 由印度俱樂部/組織按合同規定的期限聘用的外國運動員。
(v) 以獨立顧問的身份來印度提供工程、醫療、會計、法律或其他高技能服務的自雇外國人,前提是外國人提供此類服務是符合法律規定的。
(vi) 外國語言教師/口譯員。
(vii) 外國專業廚師。
(viii) 按照供應合同來印度安裝和調試設備/機器/工具的外國工程師/技術人員。
(ix) 被派遣提供技術支持/服務、轉移專業技術/服務,印度公司向外國公司支付費用/版稅的外國人。

What are the other categories of foreign nationals who are eligible for Employment visa?

Subject to the fulfillment of the conditions enumerated in Question B5 above, the following categories of foreign nationals will also be eligible for Employment visa:-
(i) Foreign nationals coming to India as consultant on contract for whom the Indian company pays a fixed remuneration (this may not be in the form of a monthly salary).
(ii) Foreign artists engaged to conduct regular performances for the duration of the employment contract given by Hotels, Clubs, other organizations.
(iii) Foreign nationals who are coming to India to take up employment as coaches of national /state level teams or reputed sports clubs. (iv) Foreign sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the Indian Clubs/organizations.
(v) Self-employed foreign nationals coming to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or such other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants provided the provision of such services by foreign nationals is permitted under law.
(vi) Foreign language teachers/interpreters.
(vii) Foreign specialist Chefs.
(viii) Foreign engineers/technicians coming to India for installation and commissioning of equipment/machines/tools in terms of the contract for supply of such equipment/machines/tools.
(ix) Foreign nationals deputed for providing technical support/services, transfer of know-how/services for which the Indian company pays fees/royalty to the foreign company.
(x) Foreign nationals coming to India for internship/apprenticeship provided the applicant is either: (a) currently enrolled in a graduate/post-graduate level degree course at a University or Institution in their home country or (b) graduated from such an institution within the past year. In case the applicant is seeking internship/ apprenticeship with NGOs/ reputed Think Tank/ reputed University or higher education institution, on non-remunerative basis, Employment visa may be considered.
(xi) Foreign film actors, directors, producers, journalists employed by foreign production/ news media companies coming to India for film shoots, making documentaries, commercial, travelogues etc. and also for conducting interviews and other related activities.
(xii) Foreign nationals who are coming to India to volunteer with a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in India provided the NGO is registered under FCRA and has an established track record of functioning in the sector for which it is registered.
(xiii) Spouses and dependent family members of a foreign national coming to India on an Employment visa may be granted Employment visa or an appropriate visa, provided they are otherwise eligible for grant of such a visa.


(ii)在IT軟件和IT enabled行業雇傭高技能外籍人員的情況下,使領館/崗位可頒發有效期為3年或任務期限(以較短者為准)、多次入境的就業簽證。

What is the duration of an Employment Visa?

Validity of an Employment visa will be as follows:-
(i) A foreign technician/expert coming to India in pursuance of a bilateral agreement between the Government of India and the foreign government, or in pursuance of a collaboration agreement that has been approved by the Government of India, can be granted an Employment visa for the duration of the agreement, or for a period of five years, whichever is less, with multiple entry facilities.
(ii) In the case of highly skilled foreign personnel being employed in the IT software and IT enabled sectors, the Missions/Posts can grant Employment visa with validity up to 3 years or the term of assignment, whichever is less, with multiple entry facility.
(iii) A foreigner coming to India for employment not covered in (i) or (ii) above can be granted Employment visa with a validity up to two years or the term of assignment, whichever is less, with multiple entry facility.
In the case of Employment Visa issued for a period of 180 days or less, registration is not required with FRRO/FRO.
The Missions/Posts may issue multiple entry Employment Visa for a period of 180 days or less.
(v) However, if the Employment visa is valid for a period of more than 180 days, it should carry an endorsement to the effect that the E-visa holder must register with the FRRO/FRO concerned within 14 days of arrival.
On registration, the FRRO/FRO concerned may issue Residential Permit for the validity of the visa period.
However, if there is any change in the residential address, the foreign national concerned shall immediately report the change of address, in writing, to the FRRO/FRO concerned.
The Employment visa may be extended by the State Governments / UTs / FRROs / FROs beyond the initial visa validity period, up to a total period of 5 years from the date of issue of the initial Employment Visa, on an year to year basis, subject to good conduct, production of necessary documents in support of continued employment, filing of Income Tax returns and no adverse security inputs about the foreigner.
The period of extension shall not exceed five years from the date of issue of the initial Employment visa. In Chinese


(i) 外國公民必須具備有效的旅行文件和重新入境許可,如果根據有關國家的法律需要的話。
(ii) 外國公民必須提交證明其被印度公司/組織等聘用或雇傭的證明文件。
(iii) 外國公民必須提交其教育資格和專業能力的文件證明。
(iv) 外國公民必須提交與擬雇用有關的文件和證件,例如根據《公司法》註冊的公司證明文件、在州工業部門或相關出口促進委員會或任何認可的行業和貿易促進機構中註冊的公司的證明文件等。

What documents are required to be submitted alongwith application for Employment Visa?

(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country concerned.
(ii) The foreign national must submit proof of his/her employment of contract or engagement by the company / organization, etc. in India.
(iii) The foreign national must submit documentary proof of his educational qualifications and professional expertise.
(iv) The foreign national must submit documents/ papers pertaining to the proposed employment, like the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm in the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned, or any recognised promotional body in the field of industry and trade etc. In Chinese

Part C: Other queries relating to Business and Employment Visa


答:希望與在印度註冊的NGO一起擔任名譽工作(不帶薪)的外國人可能會被授予“TO WORK WITH NGO -(NGO的名稱和工作地點)”特殊背書的就業簽證,前提是按照以下條件進行常規檢查和手續:

Q.9 :
What is the type of visa granted to foreigners wishing to work with NGOs registered in India?

A foreigner who wishes to come to India for honorary work (without salary) with NGOs registered in India may be granted Employment Visa with special endorsement on his/ her E Visa “TO WORK WITH NGO— (Name of the NGO and place of work) subject to usual checks and formalities on the following conditions:
(i) The foreigner must submit proof of his/her employment with the NGO registered in India.
(ii) The foreigner may be granted a multi- entry employment visa for one year initially. The visa may be extended by the State Governments / UTs / FRROs / FROs beyond the initial visa validity period up to a total period of 5 years from the date of issue of the initial Employment Visa, on an year to year basis, subject to good conduct, production of necessary documents in support of continued employment and no adverse security inputs about the foreigner. The period of extension shall not exceed five years from the date of issue of the initial Employment visa.
(iii) All registration formalities as per rules, after his/her arrival in India, shall be strictly complied with and the registration must be done with the FRRO/FRO within 14 days from the date of his/ her arrival.

Can a foreigner holding an Employment Visa work for more than one employer in India?

No, a foreigner holding an Employment Visa cannot work for more than one employer in India. The Employment Visa is granted for a specific job with a specific employer, and the foreigner is not allowed to take up any other employment during the validity period of the visa. If the foreigner wishes to take up employment with another employer, he/she will need to obtain a new Employment Visa for that specific job and employer.



Which category of Visa will be granted to family members of foreign nationals coming to India on Business Visa?

Ans. : Family members/dependants of a foreigner who is granted ‘Business visa’ visa may be granted `X’ visa subject to usual security checks provided the family members are otherwise eligible for grant of such a visa . Its validity should be co-terminus with the validity of the visa of the principal visa holder or for such shorter period as may be considered necessary by the Indian Mission.”



Which category of Visa will be granted to family members of foreign nationals coming to India on Employment?

Family members/ dependents of a foreigner who is
granted E’ visa shall be grantedX’ visa subject to usual
security checks provided the family members are otherwise
eligible for grant of such a Visa. Its validity shall be co terminus with the validity of the visa of the principal visa holder
[or for such shorter period as may be considered necessary by
the Indian Mission


(ii)來自FRRO / FRO的關於他們婚姻狀況的報告,其中將包括他們的個人背景、確認他們的共同生活以及安全審查。
c)在外國人進入印度後生病,不能旅行並需要專業醫療治療的情況下,商務簽證可以轉換為醫療簽證,如果他們有資格獲得醫療簽證並從政府/政府認可的醫院獲得醫療證明。在這種情況下,外國人(其商務簽證轉換為醫療簽證)的家庭成員/隨從的“X”簽證也可以轉換為醫療隨從[Med X]簽證,與外國人的醫療簽證同時到期。
注意:將商務簽證轉換為“X”簽證/醫療簽證/“Med X”簽證後,在護照/居留許可上應做出以下背書:“不允許就業/商務活動”。

Whether the Business visa can be converted to any other type of visa within the country?

Business visa shall be non-convertible and non- extendable beyond 5 years from the date of issue.
At time of issue of Business visa, India Missions/Posts must make it clear to the foreigner that a Business visa cannot be converted to any other kind of visa during his/her stay in India except in the following circumstances and with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs:
a) Business visa can be converted to ‘X’(Entry) Visa if a foreigner who has come to India on Business visa marries an Indian national during the validity of his/her visa and does not intend to continue on Business Visa.
Such conversion would be considered subject to fulfillment of following conditions:
(i) submission of a copy of registered Marriage Certificate , and
(ii) report from the FRRO/FRO concerned about their marital status which will inter-alia include his/her antecedents, confirmation about their living together and security clearance.
b) Business visa in case of Persons of Indian Origin, who were otherwise entitled for ‘X’ (Entry) Visa but have entered into India on Business visa, can also be converted to ‘X’ Visa.
c) Business visa of the foreigners who fall ill after their entry into India rendering them unfit to travel and require specialized medical treatment may be converted to Medical visa if they are eligible for grant of Medical Visa and medical certificate is obtained from government / government- recognized hospitals.
In such a case, ‘X’ visa of family members/ attendant accompanying the foreigner (whose ‘Business’ visa is converted into Medical Visa) may also be converted into Medical Attendant [Med X] visa co-terminus with the Medical visa of the foreigner.
On conversion of Business visa into ‘X’ visa / Medical visa/ ‘Med X’ visa, the following endorsement shall be made on the Passport / Residential Permit – “Employment/Business not permitted”.


c)在外國人入境印度後,由於疾病而不能旅行並需要接受專業醫療治療的外國人的就業簽證可以轉換為醫學簽證,如果他們有資格獲得醫學簽證並且從政府/政府認可的醫院獲得醫療證明。在這種情況下,陪伴外國人(其“就業”簽證已轉換為醫學簽證)的家庭成員/隨從的“X”簽證也可以轉換為與外國人醫學簽證相配的醫療隨從[Med X]簽證。
注意:將就業簽證轉換為“X”簽證/醫學簽證/“Med X”簽證後,護照/居留許可上將做出以下批註:“不允許從事就業/商業活動”。

Whether Employment visa can be converted to any other type of visa within the country?

Employment Visa cannot be converted to any other kind of visa during the stay of the foreigner in India except in the following circumstances and with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs:
a) Employment visa can be converted to ‘X’ (Entry) Visa if a foreigner who has come to India on Employment visa marries an Indian national during the validity of his/her visa and does not intend to continue on Employment Visa.
Such conversion would be considered subject to fulfillment of following conditions:
(i) submission of a copy of registered Marriage Certificate , and

(ii) report from the FRRO/FRO concerned about their marital status which will inter-alia include his/her antecedents,confirmation about their living together and security clearance.
b) Employment visa in case of Persons of Indian Origin, who were otherwise entitled for ‘X’ (Entry) Visa but have entered into India on Employment visa, can also be converted to ‘X’ Visa.
c) Employment visa of the foreigners who fall ill after their entry into India rendering them unfit to travel and require specialized medical treatment can be converted to Medical visa if they are eligible for grant of Medical Visa and medical certificate is obtained from Government/government-recognized hospitals. In such a case, ‘X’ visa of family members/ attendant accompanying the foreigner
(whose ‘Employment’ visa is converted into 14 Medical Visa) can also be converted into Medical Attendant [Med X] visa co-terminus with the Medical visa of the foreigner.
Note: On conversion of Employment visa into ‘X’ visa / Medical visa/ ‘Med X’ visa, the following endorsement shall be made on the Passport /Residential Permit – “Employment/Business not permitted”.

Can foreign nationals coming to execute projects in India be granted Business Visas?

No. A foreign national coming for executing projects / contracts will have to come only on an Employment Visa.


Can foreign nationals already in India for executing projects on Business Visas be allowed to extend their Business Visas?

Ans.: No.


Can foreign nationals already in India for executing projects on Business Visas be allowed to convert their Business Visas to Employment Visas without leaving the country?

Ans.: No.


Whether a foreign company/organization that does not have any Project office/subsidiary/joint venture/branch office in India can sponsor a foreign national/employee of a foreign company for Employment visa ?

Ans.: No.


Whether an Indian company/organization which has awarded a contract for execution of a project to a foreign company that does not have any base in India, can sponsor employee of foreign company for Employment visa?
Ans. : Yes



Ans.: No.


Which category of Visa will be granted to the foreign language teachers/interpreters?

Ans.: Employment Visa


Which category of Visa will be granted to the foreign specialist Chefs?
Ans.: Employment Visa.


Which type of Visa would be granted to senior management personnel and/or specialists employed by foreign firms who are relocated to India to work on specific project/management assignment?

Ans.: Employment Visa.



Please refer below linkiing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (boi.gov.in)

Microsoft Word – FAQ on Employment visa.doc (mha.gov.in)

Microsoft Word – ForeigD-FRRO_version223.6.11 _1_.docx (boi.gov.in)

FAQs RELATING TO WORK RELATED VISAS I… (embassyofindiadakar.gov.in)

FAQs Relating to Work Related Visas Issued by India (taxguru.in)
