May 23, 2024

China WFOE De-registration and Liquidation Procedures

What are the General de-registration procedures for foreign-invested companies in China?The simplified de-registration procedures ?What are situations that are not applicable to the simplified electronic de-registration procedures? […]
May 23, 2024

China Capital Gain Tax when changing WFOE’s owners

#ChinaCapitalGainsTax #ChinaDividendTax #ChinaDTAIndiaEvershine  affiliates, with global hands-on experiences , consult  you to  adopt tax-saving option when changing  shareholder of  your subsidiary in China. E-mail: del2cn@evershinecpa.com CIT-010 There […]
May 20, 2024

Shenzhen Company Registration Accounting Tax Payroll One-stop Services

#ShenzhenRegistration #ShenzhenPayroll #ShenzhenAccounting #ShenzhenTax #ChinaRegistration #ChinaPayroll #ChinaAccounting #ChinaTax #ChinaEmploymentOutsoucing #ChinaExpatriate #ChinaPEO #ChinaTrademark #ChinaPatentFee #ChinaDD Contact us by e-mail:Email: del2cn.south@evershinecpa.com India and Shenzhen colleagues work together to […]
January 19, 2021

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August 26, 2020

Singapore Setup Accounting Tax Payroll one-stop Services del2sg

New Delhi and Singapore colleagues work together to serve you. Besides company setup, supported by cloud accounting and payroll systems, Evershine assumes your local in-house accounting role […]
May 27, 2020

Professional Temporary Employment Outsourcing del2ww

Please click city listed below: Taiwan Representative Office Setup del2tw.ro Shanghai Temporary Employment Outsourcing del2cn.east Xiamen Temporary Employment Outsourcing del2cn.south Japan Temporary Employment Outsourcing del2jp Korean […]
February 9, 2020

Taiwan Representative Office Setup del2tw.ro

Send an email to HQ4del@evershinecpa.com Call  us in working hours (Taipei  and China  Time) Manager Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker Mobile: +886-939-357-735 […]
January 14, 2020

Taiwan Labor Regulation Compliance Services del2tw-lrs

Although we started as an accounting firm, we have been involved in HR related services since 2002. We currently serve about 500 companies in Taiwan with […]
January 14, 2020

Taiwan Labor Regulation Services del2tw-LRS

台灣勞動管理諮詢服務 del2tw.lmc 雖然我們是會計師事務所起家,2002年起就開始踏入人資相關服務。 目前我們在台灣服務約500家公司的薪資扣繳與社會福利法規遵循服務 請參考:台灣-薪資扣繳與社會福利法規遵循服務 del2tw.prl 台灣勞動法規最近幾年變動大,自然地應客戶需求,我們也提供案勞動管理規劃諮詢服務 我們有5位資深人資專家群為客戶服務 歡迎跟我聯絡: 電子郵件:Headquarter@evershinecpa.com 或聯絡:陳中成 首席合夥人/會計師/專利師 電話: +886-2-27170515 E100 手機: +886-933920199 勞檢員上門時,貴公司經得起考驗嗎? 您知道當勞檢員上門時,檢查重點有哪些? 貴公司能即時提供勞動法令規定應提出的資料嗎? 如果提供不出來,或者資料本身就有問題,會受到主管機關如何裁罰? 萬一被列在違法名單上公布,對貴公司形象及商譽會有多大的傷害? 我們秉持提供專業服務的態度,為您量身訂作、專屬打造企業勞動健康檢查服務,並現場進行勞檢預習。 透過專業人事資深專案服務團隊,親自查訪,為您規劃、設計完整的公司勞動法令遵循制度。 除可協助您和主管機構建立雙向溝通、辦理主管機關法定核備程序外,並能有效建立清楚且完整之管理控制程序、表單,以符相關法令規範,並進一步促進勞資和諧,共創多贏。 我們緊追最新勞動政策及法規,更貼近您產業面上的需求與感受,避免不必要的人資管理風險。 […]