印度勞動管理諮詢服務 del4tw
印度僱傭合約: 定期,不定期; 印度員工福利: 員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償; 印度資遣員工:預告期,遣散費,失業保險。
India time zone:
The Engaging Manager Punit Negi, Indian citizenship
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
India Hiring
20.10. 印度僱傭合約 Employment Contracts —
- 雇主和僱員的姓名和地址;
- 工作名稱或工作性質(或工作描述);
- 工作的地方;
- 試用期(如有)及其條款;
- 開始工作的日期;
- 工資和福利;
- 合同類型(永久或定期);
- 終止僱傭所需的通知;
- 休假權利和
- 雇主可以終止合同的條件
While Indian employment law (with the exception of some state statutes) does not require that employment contracts be in writing, employers typically communicate the terms and conditions of employment to new employees through a written letter at the beginning of employment.
Employment contracts or letters commonly include the following information:
- name and address of the employer and the employee;
- title of the job or nature of the work (or a job description);
- place of work;
- probationary period, if any, and its terms;
- date of commencement of employment;
- salary and benefits;
- type of contract (permanent or fixed-term);
- notice required for termination of employment;
- leave entitlement and
- conditions under which the employer can terminate the contract
20.90. Reference Citations —
Restrictions on Hiring: Child Labor Prohibition Act, 1986, No. 61
Recordkeeping: The Delhi Shops Act, 1954, § 33;
Ease of Compliance to Maintain Registers Under Various Labour Laws, 2017, (Hindi & English)
Noncompetition Agreements: Indian Contract Act, 1972, No. 9, § 27
印度福利 Benefits
70.10. 印度休假Vacation —
根據《工廠法》,每一歷年在工廠工作 240 天或以上的成年員工,有權在前一歷年每工作 20 天休假一天。
可結轉下一年的總天數不得超過 30天。
Vacations—commonly referred to as “annual” or “privilege” leave—in any organization (other than a factory) are governed by the provisions of the relevant state-specific Shops and Establishments Act.
These laws may differ from state to state.
Under the Factories Act, every adult worker who has worked for a period of 240 days or more in a factory during the calendar year is entitled to one day of leave for every 20 days worked during the previous calendar year.
The total number of days that can be carried forward to a succeeding year cannot exceed 30.
70.20. 印度假期 Holidays —
• 1 月 26 日:共和國日
• 8 月 15 日:獨立日
• 10 月 2 日:聖雄甘地誕辰。
India observes the following three national holidays: • Jan. 26: Republic Day • Aug. 15: Independence Day • Oct. 2: Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
In addition, an employer is required to provide five to nine festival holidays, the number depending on the state in which operations are located.
Generally, a list of holidays is published by the state government every year, and employers are required to choose the holidays they will observe.
In certain states, employers are required to display the list of holidays in a conspicuous location in the workplace.
Employers are also required to provide one weekly day off, generally Sunday.
Employees who are required to work on a public holiday are entitled to double pay.
70.30. 印度產假 Maternity Leave —
擁有 10 名僱員或以上的雇主,必須在僱員的前兩次懷孕期間,提供 26 週的帶薪休假,並為收養和代孕的母親提供 12 週的帶薪休假。
在預產期前 12 個月內,為特定雇主工作至少 80 天的女性僱員有資格獲得福利,前提是她們在預產期前七周向雇主發出書面通知。
26 週休假權利僅適用於第一次和第二次懷孕。對於第三個及以後的孩子,只有 12 周休假。
除了休息時間外,職業母親每天有權享有兩次哺乳時間,以照顧 15 個月以下的孩子。
如果雇主沒有為僱員提供免費的產前和產後護理,所有符合條件的女性僱員,享有產假福利的,也可獲得 3,500 盧比的醫療獎金。
擁有 50 名僱員或以上雇主,必須在現場或工作場所附近提供日託中心。
Employers with 10 or more employees must provide 26 weeks’ paid leave during an employee’s first two pregnancies and 12 weeks’ paid leave for adoptive and surrogacy commissioning mothers.
Female employees who have worked for a given employer for at least 80 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of expected delivery are eligible for the benefits, provided they give the employer written notice seven weeks before the expected date of delivery.
The 26-week leave entitlement applies only to the first and second pregnancy.
For the third child and after, only 12 weeks are available.
Adoptive mothers are entitled to paid leave only if the adopted child is less than three months old.
In the event of miscarriage or the medical termination of pregnancy and on presentation of a certificate from a registered medical practitioner, employees are entitled to six weeks’ paid leave immediately following the day of miscarriage or medical termination of pregnancy.
An employee undergoing a tubectomy is entitled to two weeks’ leave immediately following the operation.
In the event of complications related to pregnancy, delivery, premature birth, miscarriage, medical termination of pregnancy, or tubectomy, an employee is entitled to an additional month of leave.
Working mothers are entitled to two nursing breaks per day, in addition to rest breaks, to nurse a child up to the age of fifteen months.
All eligible female employees entitled to maternity benefits are also entitled to a medical bonus of 3,500rupees in cases where the employer does not provide free of cost pre-confinement and postnatal care to the employee.
Employers with 50 or more employees must provide a daycare center onsite or adjacent to the workplace.
A working mother must be allowed to visit the daycare center four times each day to see her child. Indian labor law prohibits the termination of an employee while she is on maternity leave.
Upon completion of maternity leave, the working mother may request to work from home and the employer is obliged to consider the request, taking into account the nature of the work and whether it can be executed from home.
70.40. 印度陪產假 Paternity Leave —
印度沒有休陪產假法定權利。There is no legal entitlement to paternity leave.
70.50. 印度病假Sick Leave —
並非所有州都單獨定義休假和病假,員工有權享有此類休假天數從 7 天到 12 天不等,具體取決於工作場所所在的州。
在製造業,臨時/病假受 1946 年《工業就業(常規)法》的約束,根據該法,員工有權享受最多 10 天的假期。休假/病假不能累積或兌現。
Casual (personal) and sick leave is generally governed by the state-specific Shops and Establishments Act.
Not all states separately define casual and sick leave, and the number of days of such leave to which employees are entitled varies from seven to 12 depending on the state in which the workplace is located.
In the manufacturing sector, casual/sick leave is governed by the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, under which employees are entitled to up to 10 days of leave.
Casual/sick leave cannot be accumulated or cashed out.
其他休假Other Leave —
Bereavement leave.
While there is no legal entitlement to paid bereavement leave, an employer cannot refuse employees time off under these circumstances.
The employer can offer bereavement leave as a separate benefit or as an option under casual or annual leave.
70.60. 印度養老金和社會保障 Pensions and Social Security —
印度的社會保障體系涵蓋以下類型的計劃: • 養老金、 • 醫療、 • 殘疾和退職金
一些社會保險需要所有公司的雇主繳納,一些來自有 10 名或更多員工的公司,還有一些來自有 20 名或更多員工的公司。
There is no nationwide retirement age.
States are free to establish their own criteria.
India’s social security system covers the following types of programs: • pension, • medical, • disability and • gratuity.
Some of the social insurances require employer contributions from all companies, some from companies with 10 or more employees, and some from companies with 20 or more employees.
70.70. 印度勞動賠償金 Workers’ Compensation —
EC 法案——涵蓋工廠、礦山、種植園、建築和某些其他危險職業的員工——在因工作相關的事故導致殘疾或死亡的情況下,向員工及其家屬提供賠償。
The Employees Compensation Act.
The EC Act—which covers employees in factories, mines, plantations, construction and certain other hazardous occupations—provides compensation to workers and their dependents in cases of work-related accidents resulting in disability or death.
The amount of compensation depends on the nature of the injury and on the employee’s age and average monthly wages.
The state-administered welfare fund is intended to promote the welfare of employees and their dependents.
The fund is financed by voluntary contributions and by contributions from employees, employers and state governments.
The rate of contribution varies from state to state.
70.90. Reference Citations —
Vacation: The Delhi Shops Act, 1954, § 22;
The Bombay Shops Act, 1948, § 35(1); Factories Act, 1948, No. 63, § 79
Holidays: The Bombay Shops Act, 1948, § 35(4)
Maternity Leave: Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, No. 53, §§ 5(2), 6(2), 9, 10, 12;
Maternity Benefit Amendment Act, 2017, §§ 2-4
Sick Leave: The Delhi Shops Act, 1954, § 22
Pensions and Social Security: Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, No. 19, §§ 1, 7Q;
Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, No. 34;
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, No. 39, § 4(2)
Workers’ Compensation: Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
印度終止僱用 Termination
100.10. 印度雇主終止僱用 Termination by Employer —
State laws generally provide for one month’s written notice of termination or salary in lieu of notice.
Company standing orders regulating dismissal must be approved by government authorities and typically severely restrict dismissal as a disciplinary action.
The following are considered just cause for dismissal:
• theft,
• habitual negligence of duty,
• disorderly behavior, • bribery,
• lack of capability,
• financial irregularities and
• insubordination.
In most cases, the employee is entitled to a warning prior to dismissal and a fair hearing.
A dismissal is considered unfair:
• if provisions for retrenchment or dismissal have not been properly followed,
• where the employee has not had an adequate opportunity to defend him/herself,
• during sickness or maternity leave,
•in retribution for filing a complaint,
• for taking part in peaceful trade union activities or
• as a result of discrimination.
100.20. 印度工廠關閉和大規模裁員 Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —
如果在一年中為同一雇主連續工作 240 天的員工被解僱,無論是連續或是間歇性的,他或她有權就每完成一年的服務年或其任何部分,獲得 15 天的平均工資六個月。
企業倒閉的情況下,雇主必須提前 60 天通知勞動部門。如果員工在 12 個月內被解僱超過 45 天,雇主和僱員可以同意終止解僱補償。
或者,在 12 個月內裁員超過 45 天,可能是雇主裁員(裁員)的合理理由。
《工業糾紛法》要求僱傭 100 名或更多員工的工廠在解僱任何員工,或關閉工廠之前必須獲得州政府的許可。
Plant closings and layoffs are governed by the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act.
Under Indian law, “layoff” is defined as the failure, refusal or inability of an employer to employ a worker because of a shortage of power or raw material, the accumulation of stock, the breakdown of machinery or a natural calamity.
If a worker who has worked for the same employer for 240 continuous days in a year is laid off, whether continuously or intermittently, he or she is entitled to 15 days’ average pay for every completed year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months.
In the case of a business closing down, the employer must give 60 days’ notice to the labor authorities.
If a worker is laid off for more than 45 days in 12 months, employer and employee may agree to end layoff compensation.
Alternatively, layoff for more than 45 days in 12 months can be reasonable grounds for employer downsizing (retrenchment).
The Industrial Disputes Act requires that factories employing 100 or more workers obtain permission from state governments before laying off any employee or closing an operation.
For economic redundancies, in the absence of any agreement between the employer and dismissed worker, the employer should dismiss the worker who was the last person to be employed in the category.
100.30. 印度終止僱用合約資遣 Payment on Termination —
服務至少一年的員工,有權獲得相當於每完成一年服務 15 天工資的遣散費。
已完成五年服務並為僱員10 名以上的雇主工作的員工,也有權獲得酬金。
酬金等於 15 天的工資乘以服務年數(一年中超過六個月的部分算作一年)。
Employees with at least one year of service are entitled to a severance payment equal to 15 days’ wages for each completed year of service.
Employees who have completed five years of service and work for an employer with 10 or more employees also are entitled to a gratuity payment.
Gratuity payments are equal to 15 days’ wages multiplied by the number of years of service (with part of a year in excess of six months counted as one year).
100.40. 印度失業保險 Unemployment Insurance —
根據僱員國家保險公司管理的一項計劃,非因自身過錯(例如,由於雇主規模縮減)而失業的員工,並為 ESI 計劃做出了至少三年的貢獻,有權享有長達一年的 50% 的失業救濟金。
Under a program administered by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, workers who have become unemployed through no fault of their own (because of employer downsizing, for example) and have contributed to the ESI program for at least three years are entitled to unemployment benefits of 50 percent of their previous wages for up to one year.
100.90. Reference Citations —
Termination by Employer: The Delhi Shops Act, 1954, § 30
Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, No. 14, §§ 25F – 25FFA
Unemployment Insurance: Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, No. 39, § 4(2)
***Above contents being digested and translated from Bloomberg HR Database dated 20210710
***The labor regulations might be changed and their explanation usually needs professionals’ help, please consult with us or experts before deciding.
以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
如有意願者,歡迎電郵: RD.all.id.tc@evershinecpa.com
India time zone:
The Engaging Manager Punit Negi, Indian citizenship
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
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